Paid Membership
Spectrum Theatre Group Inc welcomes new members interested in participating in any aspect of theatre - either on stage or behind the scenes. The best way to keep in touch with what is going on is through becoming a member.
Age is irrelevant as is previous experience in theatre work. All you need is the desire to have a go!
Membership rates are as follows:
$15 Child up to 16yrs
$20 Single adult
$30 Family membership.
Please fill out the form below, and deposit funds to our account to become a paid member.
Direct Deposit to:
BSB 082-697
Acct No. 86 018 9763 - Remember to include full name with deposit.
Please note that only current paid members are able to participate in productions due to insurance requirements.
Our treasurer will contact you regarding your membership to confirm details once payment has been received.
Also see our privacy & legal notice page for more information.
Friends of Spectrum
If you wish to "stay in the loop" but do not wish to be a paid or active member, you can still join "Friends of Spectrum".
People on our "Friends of Spectrum" mailing list receive advance information about upcoming shows by email as well as priority ticket bookings.
We do NOT share your information and you can unsubscribe at any time.